I don't know how to have the conversation. I am to love all people. We are all sinners. Why aren't liars, and cheaters denied rights. What exactly is a right? Is entitlement to healthcare b/c of marriage, or taxes as a married couple rights?? I think they're more opportunities afforded based on a status. So, if someone is in a homosexual relationship, then should they be afforded the opportunities aligned with marriage?
If someone steals, they are denied the opportunity to continue living in their home b/c they will be living in jail. So, you might say, if you are not really married, because marriage is between a man and woman, then you should forgo the opportunities that marriage affords you. Thus the need to redefine marriage. Hmph. I can call and apple an orange all I want, but it doesn't make it so. But I don't know that I'd deny an orange the opportunity to be in a pie. I'm not sure it would make a very good pie...
But looking at a spiritual perspective - why not deny gluttons (uh, hello, America), civil liberties?
Why was it not possible to allow gays to have the civil liberties as heterosexuals without "redefining" marriage? And at that point are we splitting hairs? Did we technically redefine marriage anyway or really just say gay couples that are "married" can now pursue X.
I was very disheartened at an image displayed on ABC's evening news today. A woman held a sign that said "OVERTURNED." She was ecstatic. The image above the word "overturned" was of a man and a woman with two kids between them, inverted. The "family" was upside down. To me, that goes beyond just wanting to be seen as an equal. To me that is a destructive, vindictive sign, showing an obvious desire to turn typical families literally on their heads. That is very disturbing. Why in your victory must you also destroy?
I am so sad. So sad......I want so bad to hear Jesus' heart on this. I wonder what questions He would pose to expose the root issues that lay in our hearts.
God, help me as I lead a son in this world. Help me help him navigate the murky waters of tolerance and truth. Amen.
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