Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You found this 'cause why?

That title makes me laugh. It just sounds so grammatically gruesome. But, I do wonder...if you stumbled upon this blog because you were searching for something - what was it? What did you Google, or Bing, or Yahoo, that led you here? I haven't posted in quite some time - maybe 2 years? Yet I see that people keep stumbling upon this blog, so I'm wondering what it is that draws them here.

If you read this - PLEASE - leave me a comment about what brought you to Mind Menagerie.
I only have one follower - Hi Ash!- so all the other views are driven by something, but what?

 Anyhow, I think I will pick up this blog again, though. I'd like a place to sort through whatever. Lately I've been considering a lot of theological issues. I'm a Christian, but as I've aged, my views on God, grace, and salvation have been changing. I like to think I'm getting more like Christ. We're all supposed to, right? That is the purpose. So....this will be the place I sort my thoughts. With that in mind, please don't think that if I post it on Tuesday, I will still hold the opinion on Thursday. :)

I love that God welcomes questions. I love that He is intellectually superior and doesn't get angry with an earnest seeker. So, here I will try to find more of His wisdom. More of His heart. Why, because I truly believe that God created man to know Him. He wants me to know Him. And the thought of the Almighty God inviting me to know Him, honestly, makes my heart beat a little faster.

Well, that's all for now! Bye, Ash! And all you other one time droppers by! I hope you'll drop by again.:)


1 comment:

Ashley said...

I just read through your past 3 blogs. What led me here is that I am on hold with Disney waiting for them to fix something, and I was clicking on my tabs at the top of my internet screen, and my blog came up, and I noticed that your last blog wasn't 2 years ago! :) I have enjoyed reading with Beauty and the Beast and Indiana Jones as backdrop music. I am glad we are friends who share thoughts together both in written word and in person. I am also thankful that we get to raise our kids with each other to get advice from. This is a scary world to navigate sometimes, huh?